Bid on Alien Punk
Proposed by hot.4156.eth
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Quorum: 77 votes
Proposed Transactions
1. 0xb47e3cd837dDF8e4c57F05d70Ab865de6e193BBB{ value: 4769.0 ETH }.enterBidForPunk(

It's an interesting idea and I don't think the original proposer should have cancelled. I also think it's contradictory for the DeFi oriented DAO participants to advocate radical experimentation in the realm of financial engineering, governance pools, and so forth and then lambast culture-oriented participants as being irresponsible for making equally bold moves in the realm of cultural expertise. There are CT friends that I respect both FOR and AGAINST this prop and I think we should put it to a vote and let the DAO decide. I thought the previous bid was too high, so I'm resubmitting at 4769. Good luck to all parties!